11860588Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of other supplies (printing materials) on the conduct of moving-up exercises of day care children13/03/2025
11860595Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of other supplies on the conduct of Women’s Month Celebration 202513/03/2025
11831425Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of 1-unit Multi-Purpose Vehicle for the transport of personnel, equipment, supplies, products and materials
11831489Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Improvement of Municipal Building12/03/2025
11831581Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Medical, Dental, and Laboratory Supplies for MHO operations12/03/2025
11831636Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Drugs and Medicines for MHO Operations21/03/2025
11836476Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation / Improvement of Bridge at Brgy. Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union21/03/2025
11836479Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Slope Protection at Brgy. Urayong, Bauang, La Union21/03/2025
11811746Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Aguisit – Baratao, Acao, Bauang, La Union18/03/2025 
11811751Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Catadupac Dupacpac Farm to Market Road, Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union18/03/2025 
11799605Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Development of Paringao School & Government Complex (Access Road)
11787466Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of BNCS Gym (ICT Equipment) at Central East, Bauang, La Union12/03/2025
11787479Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Bauang North and Bauang South District Office at Central East and Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union12/03/2025
11775201Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Construction of Classroom Phase II at Ballay National High School, Ballay, Bauang, La Union
11775238Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Parian Oeste Elementary School, Brgy. Parian, Oeste, Bauang, La Union10/03/2025
11775251Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of the Storage Warehouse Facility at Brgy. Central West, Bauang, La Union 10/03/2025
11799605Invitation to Bid (ITB)Development of Paringao School & Government Complex (Access Road) 14/03/2025
11799609Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of 2-unit Motorcycle for the use of POSO04/03/2025
11787466Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of BNCS Gym (ICT Equipment) at Central East, Bauang, La Union12/03/2025 
11787479Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Bauang North and Bauang South District Office at Central East and Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union12/03/2025
11775201Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Classroom Phase II at Ballay National High School, Ballay, Bauang, La Union10/03/2025
11775219Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of welfare goods for the GABAY program of the Municipality26/02/2025
11775227Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of materials for the Construction of Bleachers at Calumbaya Elementary School, Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union
11775238Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Parian Oeste Elementary School, Brgy. Parian, Oeste, Bauang, La Union 10/03/2025
11775251Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Construction of the Storage Warehouse Facility at Brgy. Central West, Bauang, La Union
11749202Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Barangay Road at Brgy. Bigbiga- Bawanta, Bauang, La Union04/03/2025
11735438Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conference, trainings, and events of the Municipality for the 1st Semester 202527/02/2025
11735460Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauang, La Union27/02/2025
11735480Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Santiago-Pilar, Bauang, La Union
11735497Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Bucayab, Bauang, La Union
11729584Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Barangay Road, Pugo, Bauang, La Union
11729608Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Barangay Road, Palintucang, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025
11729632Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Barangay Road, Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union 26/02/2025
11729662Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Casilagan Farm to Market Road at Sitio Caudingan, Casilagan, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025
11729686Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Multi-Purpose Hall (Phase II) at Brgy. Guerrero, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025
11729745Invitation to Bid (ITB)Streetlighting Project for Remote Barangays26/02/2025 

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Drainage Canal at Brgy. Taberna, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Repair of School Building at Bawanta National High School at Brgy. Bawanta, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025
11730540Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Bucayab Integrated School at Brgy. Bucayab, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation of Covered Court at Pudoc Elementary School, Brgy. Pudoc, Bauang, La Union26/02/2025

Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of various agricultural supplies for livelihood and provision of inputs and other support to Tobacco Farmers
11703351Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Repair of Bawanta Drainage Canal at Bawanta, Bauang 06/02/2025 
11703394Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Construction of Slope Protection at Brgy. Urayong, Bauang06/02/2025 
11703426Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Rehabilitation of Pugo Covered Court at Brgy. Pugo, Bauang 06/02/2025 

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of ECCD Center at Brgy. Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauang, La Union04/02/2025

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation of Slope Protection at Purok 6, Payocpoc Sur, Bauang, La Union04/02/2025

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Concrete Bridge at Barangay Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union04/02/2025

YEAR 2024


Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of traffic barricades/ barriers for the use of Public Order and Safety Office (POSO)26/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of one (1) unit Pick-Up under SB Office26/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of one (1) unit Passenger Van under SBO26/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Transport Terminal at Brgy. Central West, Bauang, La Union 26/12/2024
11584443Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials for Municipal democracy Symposium on Human Rights10/12/2024
11584467Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of fullbody jumpsuit and reflectorized trim10/12/2024
11584492Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of snacks during the elementary and highschool dance competition this Municipality10/12/2024
11584540Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Construction/ Rehabilitation of Water System DEGMNHS Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union16/12/2024
11584518Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Construction/ Rehabilitation of Water System RHU II at Brgy. Payocpoc Sur, Bauang, La Union16/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of one (1) unit Pick-Up under SB Office26/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of one (1) unit Passenger Van under SBO26/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Transport Terminal at Brgy. Central West, Bauang, La Union26/12/2024
11585088Invitation to Bid (ITB)Installation of Rainwater Harvester at Brgy. Payocpoc Sur, Bauang, La Union 16/12/2024
11558192Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of ABC Building20/12/2024
11558198Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of One (1) Unit Backhoe Wheel Loader
11542150Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of rescue material and equipment for rescue operation for Earthquake/ HASAR02/12/2024
11542245Invitation to Bid (ITB)Purchase and installation of CCTV cameras and equipment to various areas of Municipality 17/12/2024
11542311Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of meals and snacks for Albilympics02/12/2024
11531993Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment under MDRRMO02/12/2024
11532299Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of ICT Equipment and Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment for the use under MAssO04/12/2024
11532831Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Other Office Equipment04/12/2024
11533341Invitation to Bid (ITB)Reconnection of pipes to DEWATS at the Municipal Plaza and Construction of Septic Tank at Central East, Bauang, La Union04/12/2024
11533738Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of One (1) Unit Meat Van for the use of Municipal Slaughterhouse 17/12/2024
11519129Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of goods for the Pamaskong Handog para sa Bauangeños

Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Construction and Rehabilitation of water system projects at Baccuit Sur, Paringao, Casilagan, BLU
11519472Invitation to Bid (ITB)Supply and installation of solar rooftop at Public Market, Central West, Bauang, La Union 10/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of hauling truck under the Office of Municipal Agriculturist10/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of pamaskong handog for Senior Citizen and PWD02/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Purchase of Fortified Powdered Milk for the Supplementary Feeding Program02/12/2024
11521064Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of books/learning materials for the children enrolled in the ECCD Program02/12/2024
11521997Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials assistance to various beneficiaries in the Municipality10/12/2024
11522065Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Tablets for Paperless 02/12/2024
11522159Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of meals and snacks for the 439th Foundation Anniversary of this MUnicipality (Early Procurement)
11522259Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of creative/production management services for the 439th Foundation Anniversary of this municipality(Early Procurement)10/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Christmas Decors and Lanterns29/11/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Rehabilitation of Pugo Covered Court 29/11/2024
11502096Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Slope Protection at Brgy. Urayong, Bauang, La Union29/11/2024
11502285Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction/Rehabilitation of water system at Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union 06/12/2024
11502642Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Bauang Public Market at Central West, Bauang, La Union06/12/2024
11502689Invitation to Bid (ITB)Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) at Romeo De Guzman Ave. Central WEst, Bauang, La Union06/12/2024
11470210Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of service vehicles for the operation of GSO/MENRO and OSCA 03/12/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of office equipment of various offices19/11/2024
11463262Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Drainage Canal at Baccuit Sur, Bauang, La Union 28/11/2024
1146334Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) at Municipal Building, Central West, Bauang, La Union28/11/2024
11463483Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Perimeter Fence, Backfilling, and Site Development at Bauang Gateway Complex, Central West, Bauang, La Union28/11/2024
11434498Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement od Sanitary Landfill at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union26/11/2024
11434510Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials for the Construction/ Rehabilitation of Water System at Brgy. Payocpoc Norte Oeste, Bauang, La Union11/11/2024 
11434519Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of one (1) unit Wide LCD and one (1) unit storage media for CCTV Monitoring at the Public market11/11/2024 
11429020Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction/Rehabilitation of Water System at Barangay Guerrero, Bauang, La Union21/11/2024
11429021Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union21/11/2024
11410872Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of semi-expendable office equipment and office equipment under the Office of the Municipal Mayor 
11406475Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Rehabilitation of Pugo Covered Court at Pugo, Bauang, La Union05/11/2024
11404166Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of personnel gears to be used by the POSO charged under Mayor’s Office29/10/2024 
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of meals and snacks for the pilot implementation of the TESDA sa Barangay in Region I through Community-Based TVET29/10/2024
11404176Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement and installation of traffic/ public safety signages04/11/2024 
11372908Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Rescue Vehicle use for transportation of rescue tools, supplies and equipment under MDRRMO , Vehicles ,MUNICIPALITY OF BAUANG, LA UNION06/11/2024
11373399Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of water distribution truck
11373693Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials for the Construction of wall for the Mural Painting at Bauang Bakawan Eco Park , Construction Materials and Supplies ,MUNICIPALITY OF BAUANG, LA UNION21/10/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the installation of lanterns, LED Lights and other decoration for the yuletide season , General Merchandise ,MUNICIPALITY OF BAUANG, LA UNION23/10/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Gift Packs (Non-monetary benefits) for the Municipal Officials and Employees of LGU Bauang , Grocery Items ,MUNICIPALITY OF BAUANG, LA UNION23/10/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Repair of Legislative Building at Central East, Bauang, La Union , Construction Projects ,MUNICIPALITY OF BAUANG, LA UNION23/10/2024
11339267Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of agricultural and marine supplies for the use of farmers and fisherfolks of the municipality17/10/2024
11331354Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of hotmeals for the evacuee and volunteers during the occurence of disaster under the MDRRMC Fund15/10/2024
11331424Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the Improvement of Municipal Building15/10/2024
11331543Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of welfare goods under the MDRRMC Fund15/10/2024
11331627Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of welfare goods for GABAY and other programs of the municipality15/10/2024
11331671Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Gift Packs (Non-monetary benefits) for the Municipal Officials and Employees of LGU Bauang 23/10/2024
11331728Invitation to Bid (ITB)Repair of Legislative Building at Central East, Bauang, La Union 23/10/2024
11293914Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Covered Court of Casilagan Integrated School Casilagan, Bauang, La Union 16/10/2024
11295088Invitation to Bid (ITB)Refencing of Paringao Elementary School, Paringao, Bauang, La Union04/10/2024
11256735Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks of various evants and holidays in the Municipality01/10/2024
11256390Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of caisson and jetmatic pumps for the Bauang Agricultural Sector
11256624Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks of various evants and holidays in the Municipality01/10/2024
11256390Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for the assistance extended to various NGA’s23/09/2024
11263147Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of caisson and jetmatic pumps for the Bauang Agricultural Sector 07/10/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Refurbishment of Bauang Welcome Arch at Brgy. Urayong, Bauang, La Union 24/09/2024
11244416Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of video coverage and sound system for the State of the Municipality Address16/09/2024
11244451Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of school supplies for indigent day care children16/09/2024
11246839Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of meals and snacks for the Symposium of Family Roles in the Matter of Responsible Parenthood16/09/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Evacuation Center at Brgy. Santiago, Bauang, La Union- Phase II02/10/2024
11247047Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of agricultural and marine supplies for the use of farmers and fisherfolks of the municipality20/09/2024
11247106Invitation to Bid (ITB)Installation of Sprinkler System at Public Market Phase I (Rehabilitation of Pump Assembly)02/10/2024
11233097Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of various equipment for the municipal engineering office16/09/2024
11233098Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of Commemorative Marker for Newly Constructed Schools and Educational Facilities 16/09/2024
11233142Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of One (1) unit Ambulance for the use of the Municipal Health Office30/09/2024
11233146Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of One (1) unit Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzer with HbA and other special tests and Two (2) Binocular Microscope for the use Municipal Health Office30/09/2024
11233164Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Portable Water Purifier for affected evacuees during disaster in the Municipality incurred under MDRRM18/09/2024
11233211Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of Rain Gauge for flood monitoring in the Municipality incurred under MDRRM

Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of fire extinguisher to be distributed to various offices of the Municipality16/09/2024
11205593Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of supplies for various offices of the municipality10/09/2024
1205615Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Semi-Expendable office equipment, semi-expendable other equipment and semi-expendable furniture and fixtures 10/09/2024
11200793Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Storage Warehouse Facility at Central West, Bauang, La Union
11195650Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Multi-Purpose Pavement at Sta. Monica, Bauang, La Union
11195741Invitation to Bid (ITB)Completion of Drainage Canal/ Creek (Rehabilitation at Magsaoang Creek in Dili Phase II, Dili Bauang, La Union18/09/2024
11195778Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union
11195814Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Paringao, Bauang, La Union18/09/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Command Post at Brgy. Paringao, Bauang, La Union09/09/2024

Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of office supplies for the second awarding to individuals/ group, sports, skills and academic competitions for FY 202402/09/2024
11162626Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of Assistive Device for the senior citizens20/08/2024
11163082Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Multi-Purpose Hall for Health and Child Development Center at Cabalayangan, Bauang, La Union04/09/2024
11163441Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of meals and snacks for Mini Olympics and wellness training of senior citizens20/08/2024 
11100929Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Evacuation Center of Barangay Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union19/08/2024
11139868Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of medicines for the senior citizen 13/08/2024
11139899Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of venue rental sound system inclusive of meals and snacks for Quality Objectives Workshop13/08/2024
11140327Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of meals and snacks for senior citizen mini olympics13/08/2024
11135135Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of other supplies for nutrition (Dietary Supplementation)16/08/2024
11125546Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Magsaysay Building at Bauang North Central School, Central East, Bauang, La Union 26/08/2024
11109617Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of hotel accommodation, and transportation of participants of the Governance Journey, Team Building and mid-year planning05/08/2024
11100929Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Evacuation Center of Barangay Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union19/08/2024
11083057Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Covered Court at Pugo Elementary School, Brgy. Pugo, Bauang, La Union13/08/2024
11057051Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of School Building at Ballay National High School, Brgy. Ballay, Bauang05/08/2024
11043589Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Barangay Health Station at Baccuit Sur, Bauang, La Union31/07/2024
11023506Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conference, trainings, and events of the Municipality for the 2nd Semester 202419/07/2024
11019514Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials and services for the repair and maintenance of office equipment (airconditioning)08/07/2024
11019633Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of jackets with logo for athletes08/07/2024
11019722Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of various office equipment12/07/2024
11009895Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of feeds for hog growers affected by ASF08/07/2024
10994368Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of meals and snacks of various activities this municipality re: Municipal Awarding of winners, BPATS Peacekeeping Team Training and Orientation for Barangay Secretaries on the Preparation 01/07/2024
10996162Invitation to Bid (ITB)Refurbishment of Bauang Welcome Arch, Urayong, Bauang, La Union05/07/2024
10991827Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of 3 units Motorized Banca to be use for the protection and conservation of the Municipality’s coastal and marine ecosystem04/07/2024
10991895Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials for the establishment of hazard signages (Honeycombed reflectorized printed signages and tarpaulin)01/07/2024 
10962651Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of airfare to Davao City re: WIN Regional Seminar- Workshop ” Implementation of R.A. 9262 Two Decades After” on June 26-28, 2024/ July 1-3, 2024 24/06/2024 
10951245Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks of various activities this municipality re: Municipal Awarding of winners, BPATS Peacekeeping Team Training and Orientation for Barangay Secretaries on the Preparation21/06/2024 

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for 2nd semester 2024 under SBO 21/06/2024 04:00 PM
10934615Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conference, trainings, and events of the Municipality for the 2nd Semester 202426/06/2024
10934615Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conference, trainings, and events of the Municipality for the 2nd Semester 202426/06/2024
10932292Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials for the establishment of hazard signages10/06/2024
10899402Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Casilagan Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Casilagan, Bauang, La Union17/06/2024
10880565Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks of various activities this municipality re: Municipal Awarding of winners, BPATS Peacekeeping Team Training and Orientation for Barangay Secretaries on the Preparation 05/06/2024 
10899402Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Casilagan Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Casilagan, Bauang, La Union17/06/2024
10872230Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Multi-Purpose Hall for Health and Child Development Center at Carmay, Bauang, La Union07/06/2024
10872431Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for urban green spaces thru the enhancement of gardens at the municipal plaza and other areas that need greening initiatives.28/05/2024
10851785Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of 1-Barrel Box Culvert at Sitio Kaigorotan, Brgy. Santiago, Bauang, La Union03/06/2024
10851806Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Drainage Canal at Baccuit Sur, Bauang, La Union 03/06/2024
10851844Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Municipal Cemetery at Brgy. Taberna and Brgy. Santiago, Bauang La Union03/06/2024
10855726Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of welfare goods under MSWDO 22/05/2024
10826874Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of non-monetary gifts (mugs) to birthday celebrants in relation to non-compensation welfare for employees 14/05/2024
10834456Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of fishing materials and equipment for livelihood program funded under RA 717129/05/2024
10834195Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of Agricultural Equipment for Livelihood Programs funded under RA 717129/05/2024
10840423Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Four (4) units Four Wheel Drive Tractor with Trailer29/05/2024
10839563Invitation to Bid (ITB)Publication of Ordinance No’s. 30, 31, 36, 37, and 38 charged under SB Office 13/05/2024
10839166Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of welfare goods for senior citizens 13/05/2024
10839098Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of fire extinguisher for the office of the Municipal Mayor and various offices of the Municipality13/05/2024
10844770Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of materials for urban green spaces thru the enhancement of gardens at the municipal plaza and other areas that need greening initiatives. 15/05/2024
10817510Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of airfare in going to Province of Bohol re: 2024 PCL Luzon Island Congress07/05/2024
10813810Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of other supplies incurred under OEEM06/05/2024
10813874Request for Quotation (RFQ)Purchase of Sports Equipment06/05/2024
10814791Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Boy-Utan- Payocpoc Norte Este, Bauang, La Union22/05/2024
10814865Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Purok7, Bucayab Farm to Market Road22/05/2024
10814940Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Lower San Agustin- Bawanta- Cabisilan Road, Bauang, La Union22/05/2024
10815016Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Quinavite, Bauang, La Union22/05/2024
10815065Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Mrket Road at Brgy. Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union22/05/2024
10815126Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of welfare goods for GABAY and other programs of the Municipality10/05/2024
10801813Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Multi-Purpose Hall for Health and Child Development Center at Brgy. Pilar, Bauang, La Union20/05/2024
10802302Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Multi-Purpose Hall for Health and Child Development Center at Brgy. Palintucang, Bauang, La Union20/05/2024
10802354Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Multi-Purpose Hall for Health and Child Development Center at Brgy. Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union20/05/2024
10803088Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Multi-Purpose Hall for Health and Child Development Center at Brgy. Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union20/05/2024
10802832Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Payocpoc Norte Este, Bauang, La Union 20/05/2024
10803135Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Urayong, Bauang, La Union 20/05/2024
10803183Invitation to Bid (ITB)Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Payocpoc Norte Oeste, Bauang, La Union 20/05/2024
10776721Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of drugs and medicines for the Municipal Health Office06/05/2024
10772927Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of hotel accommodation and transportation for the Benchmarking Activity of the Office of the Municipal Accountant on April 29-30, 2024 at Quezon City Hall, Metro Manila23/04/2024

Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of two patrol jeeps with plate #131206 and S5A 195 incurred under Peace and Order Program
10740988Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of materials for the assistance to Bauang Police Station for the roofing of shed at the waiting shed area15/04/2024
10742698Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of anti rabies vaccine under the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist 15/04/2024
10730348Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of various supplies and materials for the operation and project monitoring activities of Engineering Office 09/04/2024
10656769Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Drainage Canal at Central East, Bauang, La Union02/04/2024
10656861Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Drainage Canal at Central West, Bauang, La Union02/04/2024 
10643140Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of drugs and medicines for the Municipal Health Office 28/03/2024
10643140Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of drugs and medicines for the Municipal Health Office 28/03/2024
10618635Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of hotel accommodation including meals and snacks then using of function hall for the Training on Executive Course (EOC)11/03/2024 

Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of Iodine Tester for the Municipal Health Office 05/03/2024
10601338Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction/ Rehabilitation o Local Roads and Bridges at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union 18/03/2024
10601354Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of one (1) unit aircon and labor for the repair and maintenance of aircon unit at the Bauang Police Station04/03/2024

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of office supplies for the use of various offices of the Municipality 06/03/2024 
10564399Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of consumables and computer accessories for the use of various offices of the Municipality06/03/2024 
10519776Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Evacuation Center at Brgy. Santiago, Bauang, La Union21/02/2024
10518137Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings conference, trainings and events of the Municipality for the First Semester of FY 2024 
10546347Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of consumables for the use of various offices of the municipality29/02/2024
10546349Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of office supplies for the use of various offices of the municipality
10541705Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of load cards for 1st Quarter 2024 charged under SB Office12/02/2024
10541875Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of hotel accommodation for speakers and guests for the trainings of seasonal worker12/02/2024
10541914Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of van rental for the speakers and guests for the trainings and seminars of seasonal workers 12/02/2024
10542084Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of meals and snacks for the training and seminars of seasonal workers 12/02/2024

Request for Quotation (RFQ)Procurement of hotel accommodation, meals and snacks and transportation for the training of various offices in Bacolod City and IloIlo City re: Housing Project 12/02/2024
10519776Invitation to Bid (ITB)Construction of Evacuation Center at Brgy. Santiago, Bauang, La Union21/02/2024
10514372Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of ICT equipment 07/02/2024 
10518137Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings conference, trainings and events of the Municipality for the First Semester of FY 2024 20/02/2024
10514472Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Semi-expendable ICT equipment of various office of the municipality 07/02/2024 
10514496Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of office equipment 07/02/2024 

Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of semi-expendable furniture and fixtures07/02/2024 
10506687Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Meals and Snacks for the 1st Semester 2024 05/02/2024 
10506547Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of medical, dental and laboratory supplies for the Municipal Health Office 05/02/2024 
10506670Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of Drugs and Medicines for the Municipal Health Office05/02/2024 
10492173Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of 500 sacks of rice (25kg/ sack) as materals assistance to bereaved families in the Municipality
30/01/2024 04:00 PM
10486584Invitation to Bid (ITB)Procurement of hotel accommodation including meals and snacks then using of function hall for the Training on Integrated Planning Course on Incident Command System29/01/2024 04:00 PM

YEAR 2023

10125935 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of three (3) units airconditioners for the Bauang Police Station chargeable under Mayor’s Office 18/09/2023
10126029 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of welfare goods chargeable under 5% LDRRMF 21/09/2023
10056959 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of periodic maintenance of the Municipal Ambulance SAA 6252, incurred at the Municipal Health  22/08/2023
10056969 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of Bauang Public Market  22/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of services for the conduct of Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Project  11/09/2023
10051859 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of one unit aircon for the improvement of command center for public safety office  21/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of medical equipment for the Municipal Health Office  31/08/2023

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of various supplies and equipment for the office of the Mayor 21/08/2023

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of HASAR/WASAR/CSSR Personal Protective Gears use on rescue operation 21/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Hotel Accommodation and catering services then using function hall for the Training on Ambulance Operation  23/08/2023
10043699 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of medical supplies use for rescue operations 23/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of hygiene kits for emergency response and rescue services  23/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of hygiene kits for emergency response and rescue services  22/08/2023
10029222 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of drugs and medicines for the Municipal Health Office 18/08/2023
10029230 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of Iodine Tester for the Municipal Health Office  14/08/2023
10029237 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of medical, dental and Laboratory Supplies for the Municipal Health Office 14/08/2023
10029362 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of services for the conduct of Land Use Survey of various Government Lots 05/09/2023
10024430 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of office supplies for various offices of the Municipality 05/09/2023
10000703 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of tagboard to be used for the masscard of the breaved persons 07/08/2023
10002939 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of meals, accommodation, transportation, and training kits for the benchmarking and team building cum MITO Planning  07/08/2023
10003013 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of welfare goods for Senior Citizen 07/08/2023
10003273 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of Premium Drifit Tshirts and Tarpaulin for the Municipal Mayor’s Office 07/08/2023
10003916 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of rice (25kg) for the bereaved family 10/08/2023
9966766 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Central East- Lower San Agustin- Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union  07/08/2023
9966771 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Acao, Bauang, La Union  07/08/2023
9951924 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Baccuit Norte, Bauang, La Union  07/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Baccuit Sur, Bauang, La Union 07/08/2023
9966771 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Central East- Lower San Agustin- Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union 07/08/2023
9966771 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Acao, Bauang, La Union 07/08/2023
9963475 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of furniture and fixtures for the Peace and Order Program of the Municipality  28/07/2023
9963488 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of services for the referees and table officials for TGIS Inter-Barangay Basketball Tournament 2023 24/07/2023
9951924 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Baccuit Norte, Bauang, La Union 08/08/2023
9951924 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Baccuit Sur, Bauang, La Union  08/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of welfare goods for GABAY and other programs of the Municipality 24/07/2023
9936328 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of ICT Equipment and Semi-Expendable office and ICT Equipment for various offices of the Municipality  24/07/2023
9932465 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of drugs and medicines for the Municipal Health Office 19/07/2023
9932625 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of ICT for the transfer of CCTV Office 02/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the Construction of 2-units waiting shed at Brgy. Central East, Bauang, La Union  19/07/2023
9933226 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Streetlighting Project at Bauang, La Union  02/08/2023

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of needed materials to be utilize on the conduct of Moving-up Exercise for Child Development Children  17/07/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of services for the Land Use Planning and Conceptual Master Plan Preparation  02/08/2023
9920922 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Boy-Utan to Payocpoc Norte Este, Bauang, La Union 17/07/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) mprovement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Gomez, Lower San Agustin, Bauang, La Union 02/08/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Central West, Bauang, La Union  27/07/2023
9920997 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Pudoc, Bauang, La Union  27/07/2023
9921014 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Palintucang- Carmay, Bauang, La Union 28/07/2023
9921066 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Central East, Bauang, La Union 28/07/2023
9924217 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement if various school classrooms/ facilities  28/07/2023
9916874 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one unit penetrator truck for efficient and immediate response incurred under MDRRMO 27/07/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one unit farmers hauling truck to be used to deliver agricultural inputs 26/07/2023
9914735 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of payao and other fishing materials  26/07/2023
9914877 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of jetmatic pump for agricultural sector in the municipality  13/07/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of sprayer for agricultual sector in the municipality 13/07/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of furniture and fixtures for the Peace and Order Program of the Municipality  13/07/2023
9910173 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of fertilizers for tobacco farmers  26/07/2023
9882896 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Slope Protection for the New Cell Sanitary Landfill at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union 13/07/2023
9882897 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Purchase of one unit Garbage Truck 13/07/2023
9882898 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one unit utility van 13/07/2023
9882900 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one unit manlift truck 13/07/2023
9882902 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Purchase of one unit bulldozer 13/07/2023
9882902 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Purchase of one unit crawler excavator  13/07/2023
9882906 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of farm to Market Road at Brgy. Sta. Monica, Bauang, La Union 13/07/2023
9882906 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Lugnak, Bagbag, Bauang, La Union 13/07/2023
9863244 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conferences, trainings and events of the Municipality for the Second Semester of FY 2023 07/07/2023
9853958 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of Airfare re: Seminar-Workshop at Puerto Princesa Palawan  19/06/2023
9847607 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the Improvement of Command Center for Public Safety Office at Central East, Bauang, La Union  22/06/2023
9819611 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Rehabilitation of Mabini St., Central West, Bauang, La Union  23/06/2023 
9792097 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of office supplies for various offices of the Municipality 05/06/2023
9792097 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the Improvement of Municipal Buildings 
9780154 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of welfare goods under MSWD Office
9766982 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of backhoe loader (case)
9764283 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of airfare to Coron, Palawan re: PCL Luzon Island Officers Assembly
9725463 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of goods for the Supplementary Feeding Program for 41 Child Development Centers  25/05/2023
9725547 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Goods for supplemental feeding and hygiene kits  25/05/2023
9702434 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of rescue equipment (Extrication Tools) to be use in vehicular accident and other incident requiring relevant apparatus  17/05/2023
9692700 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of meals, accommodation and transportation for the Benchmarking Activity of MDRRMO  02/05/2023
9689129 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of supplies and equipment for emergency and disaster rescue operation  02/05/2023
9660927 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of fishing materials and Payao materials 02/05/2023
9661167 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Farm Machineries 02/05/2023
9661350 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of livestock production input  02/05/2023
9661367 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of organic fertilizer for the farmers in the municipality  02/05/2023
9660927 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of fishing materials and Payao materials  05/05/2023 
9661167 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Farm Machineries  05/05/2023 
9661350 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of livestock production input 05/05/2023 
9661367 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of organic fertilizer for the farmers in the municipality  05/05/2023 
9642440 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of One Classroom (2nd Floor) at Quinavite Elementary School, Quinavite, Bauang, La Union 25/04/2023
9642474 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of One Classroom at Bucayab Elementary School, Bucayab, Bauang, La Union  25/04/2023
9635337 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of welfare goods for GABAY and other programs of the Municipality 25/04/2023
9635366 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Reinforced Concrete Lined Canal at Don P. Campos St., Central West, Bauang, La Union
9635428 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Slope Protection at Dili, Bauang, La Union
9635538 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of One Classroom at DEGMNHS, Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union
9635582 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Covered Court at ECDGJMNVHS, Acao, Bauang, La Union
9635631 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of height boards/ length boards for Barangay Nutrition Scholars of the Municipality
9630535 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of supplies and materials during the Kalgaw Festival  06/04/2023
9630540 Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of supplies and materials during the Kalgaw Festival
9630546 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of supplies and materials during the Kalgaw Festival 06/04/2023
9630553 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of livelihood kits and material assistance of various sustainable livelihood programs of the municipality 20/04/2023 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of livelihood kits and materials assistance of various sustainable livelihood programs of the municipality 14/04/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Conference Building at BNCS, Central East, Bauang, La Union 12/04/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Biological Supply under Livestock Program 31/03/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of office equipment for various offices of the municipality  31/03/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of furniture and fixture for various offices of the municipality 12/04/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Farm to Market Road Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union 12/04/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Reinforced Concrete Lined Canal at Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union  12/04/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of height boards/ length boards for Barangay Nutrition Scholars of the Municipality 31/03/2023
9578671 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Reinforced Concrete Lined Canal at Fenoy St. Central East, Bauang, La Union    31/03/2023 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Perimeter Fence (Athletic Oval) at BNCS, Central East, Bauang, La Union  31/03/2023
9578572 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Asphalt overlay of various barangay roads at Bauang, La Union  31/03/2023 
9558097 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of medicines for the use of Municipal Health Office 3/30/23
9507526 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of equipment for the improvement of Slaughterhouse 13/03/2023
9507526 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of various office supplies  07/03/2023
9507578 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of various office supplies  07/03/2023

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of surveying services for the relocation survey of LGU lots located at Taberna, Bauang, La Union covered by lot #4891, 20025, 20017 & 4892

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of LED lights for the installation of streetlighting system 
9471044 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of semi expandable ICT equipment for various offices of the municipality  4/02/2023
9471044 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of semi expandable furniture, fixtures, and books expenses for various offices of the municipality
9464988 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of semi expandable office equipment and office equipment for various of the municipality  4/02/2023
9464988 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of semi expandable office equipment and office equipment for various of the municipality  4/02/2023
9465195 Negotiated Procurement – Small Value Procurement (Sec. 53.9) Procurement of semi expandable office equipment and office equipment for various of the municipality  4/02/2023
9446480 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of material assistance (gowns, shoes, accessories etc.) for the Mutia Ti La Union 4/02/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of equipment for the improvement of Slaughterhouse 21/02/2023
9429813 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of material assistance (rice) to bereaved families of the municipality  03/02/2023
9429887 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of material assistance (rice) to bereaved families of the municipality  03/02/2023
9430093 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of material assistance (rice) to bereaved families of the municipality  15/02/2023
9417939 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conferences, trainings and events of the municipality for the 1st semester of FY 2023. 31/01/2023
9415279 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of 3 units split type aircon for the Bauang National Child Development Center  23/01/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of medical supplies for RHU operations 19/01/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of drugs and medicines for RHU operations 19/01/2023

YEAR: 2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of supplies, materials, and token during the yuletide season 21/12/2022


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of disinfectant spray for the use in the Sanitary landfill 21/12/2022


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of the municipal vehicle with plate no. SHY675 under Agriculture Office  21/12/2022


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of Fire Extinguisher Housing incurred under the MDRRMO 21/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of the Filipiniana and Barong of the Bauang Baggak Chorale charge under Toursm 21/12/2022
9362923 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of water irrigation pump at Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union 06/01/2023
9355488 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of One Classroom (2nd floor) at Quinavite Elementary School, Quinavite, Bauang, La Union 05/01/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Two-Storey Two Classroom at ECMDGJES, Pagdalagan Sur, Bauang, La Union 05/01/2023
9355626 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conferences, trainings and events of the Municipality for the 1st Semester of FY 2023 06/01/2023

Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Central West, Bauang, La Union

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Single Storey Two- Classroom at Baratao ELementary School, Acao, Bauang, La Union 27/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Barangay Health Station at Brgy. Bawanta, Bauang, La Union 28/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Brgy. Health Station at Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauang, La Union 27/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farmer’s Trading Center at Central West, Bauang, La Union 27/12/2022
9330835 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of LED lights re: Installation at Legislative Building 12/12/2022
9331269 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Single Storey Two- Classroom at Baratao ELementary School, Acao, Bauang, La Union 27/12/2022
9331392 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Barangay Health Station at Brgy. Bawanta, Bauang, La Union 28/12/2022
9322004 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of token and other supplies and materials needed on the conduct of Children and Youth Congress 2022 12/12/2022
9322139 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of medicine supplies for use of Senior Citizen 12/12/2022
9322192 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Brgy. Health Station at Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauang, La Union 27/12/2022
9322214 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farmer’s Trading Center at Central West, Bauang, La Union 27/12/2022
9322261 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of various schools of the municipality  15/12/2022
9295570 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of scissor lift (14mtrs) at BNCS Gym, Central East, Bauang, La Union 16/12/2022 
9298869 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Pamaskong Handog ni lolo at lola and PWDs 07/12/2022
9294458 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Covered Court at Bawanta ELementary School at Bawanta, Bauang, La Union 16/12/2022
9294513 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement and installation of Aircon Units at BNCS Gym, Central East, Bauang, La Union 16/12/2022
9294527 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Rehabilitation of Wood Basketball Sports Flooring at BNCS Gym, Central East, Bauang, La Union 16/12/2022
9294558 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement and installation of 2- units Heavy Duty Ceiling Fan (24ft. dia) at BNCS Gym, Central East, Bauang, La Union  16/12/2022
9282085 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of office supplies  05/12/2022 
9282239 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of motor vehicle for Municipal Agriculture Office 29/11/2022 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of token for participants (Noche Buena Pack) on the conduct of Pantawid Pamilya Capability 05/12/2022
9286666 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Cabisilan, Bauang, La Union

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Upper San Agustin, Bauang, La Union 15/12/2022
9286682 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Dili, Bauang, La Union
9286685 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Carmay, Bauang, La Union  15/12/2022
9286690 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Urayong, Bauang, La Union 15/12/2022
Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of ornamental plants for the maintenance of Public Market and cemetery 29/11/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of token for participants (Bath towel and string bags) on the conduct of ERPAT Symposium and Youth Development 29/11/2022
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of full board hotel accommodation, meals and snacks and transportation re: Benchmarking Activity of personnel of the MENRO 29/11/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of full board hotel accommodation, meals and snacks and transportation re: Benchmarking Activity of personnel of the MPDC 29/11/2022
9269679 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of furniture and fixtures under SB Office 29/11/2022
9269858 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of repair and maintenance of municipal vehicles 01/12/2022
9265783 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of materials for the yuletide season (Christmas tree electrical supplies) 01/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of construction materials for the repair and maintenance of municipal government structures and facilities 28/11/2022
9267113 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of creative/ production management service for Foundation Anniversary celebration  12/12/2022 
9267429 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Farm to Market Road at Central West, Bauang, La Union 12/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Warehouse/ Storage Facility at Central West, Bauang, La Union 12/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of farm machineries for our farmers association in the municipality 12/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of organic fertilizer for the farmers in the municipality  12/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of fishing materials and Payao for fisherfolks association in the municipality  12/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of livestock production input for livestock growers in the municipality

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of vegetable seed for the farmers in the municipality (community base vegetable gardening)  12/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of meals and snacks during Baggak Festival 2023  12/12/2022
9269141 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of token (noche buena pack) on the conduct of Parent Leader’s and Assistant Parent Leader’s capability building  28/11/2022
9269239 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of materials for Municipal Democracy Forum on Environment  28/11/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of expenses (meals and snacks) for the conduct of Municipal Democracy Forum on Environment 28/11/2022
9250888 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of office equipment of SB Office 28/11/2022
9250904 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of sports equipment for the youth of the Municipality 22/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of hotel accommodation including meals and snacks and transportation for the Development Training for the Sangguniang Bayan Office  24/11/2022 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Lower San Agustin, Bauang, La Union  05/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Baratao (Agisist), Acao, Bauang, La Union  05/12/2022 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauanag, La Union 05/12/2022 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Kabuaan, Casilagan, Bauang, La Union  05/12/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Caudingan, Sta. Monica, Bauang, La Union  05/12/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of ICT equipment for the use of Accounting Office 21/11/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of material assistance (rice) to bereaved families in the Municipality 21/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of five (5) units motor vehicle for the use of the municipality
9229889 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Agricultural and Biological supplies for Livestock Banner Program  22/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of expenses for community based mushroom production livelihood project  22/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Evacuation Center at Brgy. PIlar, Bauang, La Union 01/12/2022
9220207 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the fabrication and installation of ARC at Municipal Plaza 15/11/2022
9220242 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Construction of Evacuation Center at Brgy. PIlar, Bauang, La Union 01/12/2022
9220427 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of modular partition at the Accounting Office 15/11/2022
9196753 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of ICT Equipment under SB Office 15/11/2022
9196785 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of furniture and fixtures under SB Office 15/11/2022
9196858 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement if non-monetary benefits for Employees Capability Building 28/11/2022
9196753 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of ICT Equipment under SB Office , 15/11/2022
9196785 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of furniture and fixtures under SB Office 15/11/2022 
9196858 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement if non-monetary benefits for Employees Capability Building
9197053 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of ECCD checklist and other forms for the Day Care Children 11/11/2022
9197399 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of services of referees for the inter Barangay Basketball Tournament  11/11/2022
9140889 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Rescue Van for Disaster Response and rescue/ relief operations incurred under the MDRRMO 09/11/2022
9129266 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Sanitary Landfill (additional cell) at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union 07/11/2022
9129343 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Covered Court at Bigbiga Elementray School, Lower San Agustin, Bauang, La Union 07/11/2022
9129642 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of five (5) units motor vehicle for the use of the municipality 07/11/2022
9162712 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the fabrication and installation of lanterns 03/11/2022
9162611 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the installation of LED lights 03/11/2022
9162531 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of material assistance for the livelihood program of the municipality 03/11/2022
9162498 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Rehabilitation/ Improvement of Cabalayangan Check Dam at Cabalayangan, Bauang, La Union 15/11/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of gift pack for the elderly month celebration October 2022 25/10/2022
9140889 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Rescue Van for Disaster Response and rescue/ relief operations incurred under the MDRRMO 09/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of hotel accommodation including meals and snacks and transportation for the Development Training for the Sangguniang Bayan Office 28/10/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Sanitary Landfill (additional cell) at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union  07/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Construction of Covered Court at Bigbiga Elementray School, Lower San Agustin, Bauang, La Union 07/11/2022
9129432 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Agricultural and Biological supplies for Livestock Banner Program 26/10/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of five (5) units motor vehicle for the use of the municipality 07/11/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of livelihood kits/ equipment of various livelihood programs of the Municipality  26/10/2022
9113099 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of breeder rabbits and supplies for the rabbit farming livelihood 31/10/2022
9064173 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of livelihood kits/ equipment of various livelihood programs of the Municipality  10/10/2022 

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of venue rentals with meals and snacks, full board and lodging for Service Learning Providers for 3 days for the Welfare of Children: A capacity building for LCPC/ BCPC 04/10/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of token for the Learning Service Provider, flash drive, supplies and materials on the conduct for the Welfare of Children: A capacity building for LCPC/ BCPC , 04/10/2022
9035819 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of goods for supplemental feeding 28/09/2022 04:00 PM
9032113 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Construction of Slope Protection at Brgy. Upper San Agustin  27/09/2022 04:00 AM
9004689 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Repair of Drainage Canal and Rehabilitation of Concrete Road at Pagdalagan Sur, Bauang  30/09/2022 04:00 PM

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Site Development (Mango Packing House) at Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauang, La Union  30/09/2022 04:00 PM

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Site Development Re: Housing Project at Bawanta, Bauang, La Union 30/09/2022 04:00 PM

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of personalized certificates for the virtual recognition of Day Care Children (Moving-Up Exercises) 13/09/2022 04:00 PM
9004730 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of welfare goods for PWD in the Municipality 13/09/2022 04:00 PM

Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of alcohol and alcohol bottles for the use of Office of the Municipal Mayor
13/09/2022 04:00 PM
8991478 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of garbage truck IO-1091 12/09/2022
8984114 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of activity shirt for Linggo ng Kabataan 09/09/2022
8978796 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of expenses for hotel accommodation including meals and snacks and use of function hall re: Training on Rapid Damage Assessment and need analysis (RDNA)  12/09/2022
Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of water craft (rubber boat) use for the rescue operation under MDRRMO 12/09/2022
8979223 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of repair and maintenance of 3 units Motor vehicle under the SB Office 06/09/2022
8948447 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one (1) unit garbage truck for the use of OEEM  05/09/2022
8948447 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for signages of Peace and Order Programs 05/09/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of repair and maintenance of MV (Ambulance SJD 717 and Mahindra Black EG 3497) incurred under MDRRMO 26/08/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one (1) unit garbage truck for the use of OEEM 09/09/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of covid related expenses use for emergency response 0/08/2022 

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of office supplies of various offices for the 3rd quarter of FY 2022 05/09/2022
8917804 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of water craft (rubber boat) use for the rescue operation under MDRRMO  19/08/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of photos with frames of Newly Elected Officials charged to Mayor’s Office  01/08/2022
8871033 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of equipment for computer hardware servicing NCII- ALS for the Bauang North and South District

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of medical, dental and laboratory supplies for the MHO , 29/07/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of medicine supplies for the MHO 29/07/2022

Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conferences, trainings and events of the municipality for the second semester of FY 2022 08/08/2022
8829536 13/07/2022 Procurement of repair and maintenance of MV w/ plate #SFH378 under Mayor’s office  18/07/2022
8830104 13/07/2022 Procurement of meals and snacks, hotel accommodation, and transportation for benchmarking activity and team building of OMSWD  18/07/2022
8821215 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of cattle feedlot livelihood package  14/07/2022
8810975 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of cattle feedlot livelihood package  11/07/2022
8816704 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of hybrid rice seeds for the rice farmer in the Municipality  11/07/2022
8809081 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of one (1) unit Motorcycle 11/07/2022
8807542 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of Office and ICT Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures for various offices of the municipality 25/07/2022
8807583 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of marine and agricultural supplies under Agriculture Office 12/07/2022
8801066 Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of supplies for BPLO Operation
8802999 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of materials for the Quality Management System of the Municipality 05/07/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of hotel accommodation, meals and snacks, transportation re: OEEM Benchmarking/ Team Building on July 7-8, 2022 05/07/2022
8784260 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of tagboard with municipal logo for the use at the office of the municipal mayor 28/06/2022
8786824 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of tokens (assorted products) for the oathtaking ceremony for newly elected municipal officials 2022 28/06/2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of equipment for computer hardware servicing NCII- ALS for the Bauang North and South District 29/06/2022
8749062 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials for the reconstruction of demolished structures due to the implementation of PRDP at Cabalayangan, Bauang 20/06/2022
8745979 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of materials use in emergency situation (Fire Extinguisher) incurred under MDRRMO 14/06/2022
749059 Request for Quotation (RFQ ) Procurement of materials use in emergency situation (Fire Extinguisher) incurred under MDRRMO 14/06/2022
8749076 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of hotel accommodation, meals and snacks, and transportation for the benchmarking activity of Mayors Office 14/06/2022
8737385 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of hotel accommodation, meals and snacks, and transportation for the benchmarking activity of Mayors Office 28/06/2022
8723175 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of other supplies and materials re: Pammadayaw Awardees  06/06/2022
8699174 Invitation to Bid (ITB) Procurement of materials use for repair and maintenance of Municipal Vehicles 06/02/2022
8637497 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of various supplies for the National and Local Election on May 9, 2022 04/05/2022
8637500 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of ICT equipment use for Treasury Office 04/05/2022
8630511 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of materials for the preventive maintenance of municipal vehicles  02/05/2022
8627491 Request for Quotation (RFQ Procurement of materials and services for the repair and maintenance of Foton Tornado Patrol Van incurred under Bauang PNP Office 02/05/2022
8625480 Invitation to Bid Procurement of marine and agricultural supplies under Agriculture Office 03/05/2022 
8625512 Invitation to Bid Procurement of medical, dental, and laboratory supplies for RHU operations 03/05/2022 
8625535 Invitation to Bid Procurement of drugs and medicines for RHU operation  03/05/2022 


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of three (3) units Split Type Aircon for the Day Care Children and Child Development Worker Center at Central East, Bauang, La Union  March 22, 2022

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of airfare and baggage March 22, 2022
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Procurement of expenses in hotel accommodation including meals and snacks re: Training on Integrated Planning Course on Incident Command System  March 21, 2022
8528412 Request for Quotation (RFQ) Procurement of material for use at Fluvial March 21, 2022
8502150 Invitation to Bid Procurement of material assistance for various barangays 11/03/2022
8472151 Invitation to Bid Procurement of corn, vegetable seeds, and precision seeders for farmers in the municipality  16/03/2022
8472172 Invitation to Bid Construction of Sta. Monica Elementary School Covered court and Site Development at Sta. Monica, Bauang 16/03/2022
8462925 Invitation to Bid Procurement of material assistance to Brgy. Pugo for the construction of communal comfort room  03/03/2022
8466823 Invitation to Bid Procurement of material assistance to Brgy. Pugo for the construction of communal comfort room  15/03/2022
8466823 Invitation to Bid Procurement of Drilling Rig Set 14/03/2022
8439099 Request for Expression of Interest Procurement of consulting services for the ISO 9001:2015 certification 21/02/2022
8439312 Invitation to Bid Procurement of construction supplies, materials, and services for the repair and maintenance of office buildings of the municipality for the first semester of FY 2022 08/03/2022
8430213 Invitation to Bid Procurement of cattle feedlot livelihood package  04/03/2022

Invitation to Bid Procurement of rescue equipment (Hydraulic Extrication Tools) to be use in Vehicular Accident and other incident requiring relevant apparatus  28/02/2022
8388041 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) at Carmay Road, Bauang, La Union 25/02/2022
8388041 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Dupacpac Road at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, Bauang, La Union 25/02/2022
8388136 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Romeo de Guzman Road, Central West, Bauang, La Union 25/02/2022
8388136 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Redrying Road at Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union 25/02/2022
8388383 Invitation to Bid Asphalt overlay of various barangay, Bauang, La Union 25/02/2022
8389129 Invitation to Bid Improvement of Farmer’s Trading Center at Central West, Bauang 25/02/2022
8389176 Invitation to Bid Construction of Drainage Canal at A. Luna St., Central East, Bauang 25/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Construction of Drainage Canal at Disso-or, Bauang, La Union 25/02/2022
8390742 Invitation to Bid Installation of Streetlighting System along Mc Arthur Highway, Bauang 25/02/2022
8393110 Invitation to Bid Purchase of one (1) unit Garbage Truck 25/02/2022
8393110 Invitation to Bid Procurement of Fertilizers in support to tobacco farmers in the municipality 25/02/2022
8405615 Invitation to Bid Procurement of 350 units Jetmatic Pumps in support to tobacco farmers in the municipality 25/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Procurement of organic fertilizers in support to tobacco farmers in the municipality 25/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Bridge at Sitio Baratao, Acao, Bauang 25/02/2022
8405807 Invitation to Bid Construction of Gymnasium Phase VII at BNCS, Central East, Bauang  25/02/2022
8405858 Invitation to Bid Construction of Covered Court at Bucayab Elementary School, Bucayab, Bauang  25/02/2022
8405920 Invitation to Bid Construction of Covered Court at Payocpoc Este Elementary School at Palugsi-Limmansangan, Bauang 25/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Installation of Solar Streetlights at BNCS, Central East, Bauang  25/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Procurement of eleven (11)- unit laptop for reporting and printing of vaccination card  25/02/2022
8392488 Invitation to Bid Procurement of one unit ultra low temperature freezer for COVID-19 vaccines  25/02/2022
8388245 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Santiago- Pilar Road, Bauang, La Union  21/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Construction of Drainage Canal at Pudoc, Bauang 21/02/2022
8389210 Invitation to Bid Construction of Farmers Multi-Purpose and Trading Center at Palugsi- Limmansangan, Bauang 21/02/2022

Invitation to Bid Construction of Farmers Multi-Purpose and Trading Center at Casilagan, Bauang 21/02/2022
8390722 Invitation to Bid Construction of Farmers Multi-Purpose and Trading Center at Payocpoc Norte Este 21/02/2022
8390730 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Farm to Market Road at Santiago Road, Santiago, Bauang  21/02/2022
8390730 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Upper San Agustin Farm to Market Road, Upper San Agustin, Bauang  21/02/2022
8390793 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Lower San Agustin-Upper San Agustin Farm to Market Road, Upper San Agustin, Bauang 21/02/2022
8390799 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Cabalayangan Farm to Market Road, Cabalayangan, Bauang  21/02/2022
8390803 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Boy-Utan- Payocpoc Norte Este Farm to Market Road, Boy-Utan, Bauang 21/02/2022
8390808 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Casilagan- Sitio Caudingan, Sta. Monica Farm to Market Road, Casilagan, Bauang 21/02/2022
8390815 Invitation to Bid Construction of 4-Classrooms, Two-Storey School Building at Parian Este Elementary School, Parian Este, Bauang  21/02/2022
8390905 Invitation to Bid Construction of Farmers Multi- Purpose Hall (Health Center and Day Care Center) at Dili, Bauang  21/02/2022
8390916 Invitation to Bid
Construction/ Rehabilitation of Pugo Farm to Market Road, Pugo, Bauang
8390923 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Bucayab Farm to Market Road, Bucayab, Bauang 21/02/2022
8390932 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Bawanta-Cabisilan-Lower San Agustin Farm to Market Road, Cabisilan, Bauang  21/02/2022
8390946 Invitation to Bid Construction/ Rehabilitation of Baccuit Sur Farm to Market Road, Baccuit Sur, Bauang 21/02/2022
8371457 Invitation to Bid Rehabilitation of Dili-Cabisilan, Farm-to-Market Road, Dili-Cabisilan, Bauang  14/02/2022 
8365262 Invitation to Bid Procurement of cattle feedlot livelihood package  09/02/2022
8365427 Invitation to Bid Procurement of meals and snacks for various events, meetings, trainings and others activities of the municipality for the 1st semester of FY 2022 09/02/2022

YEAR: 2021

Reference NumberCodePublishClosingTitleStatus
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
11/12/2021 14/12/2021 Procurement of hygiene kits to the selected beneficiaries of the municipality CLOSED


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
11/12/2021 14/12/2021 Procurement of materials and services for the repair and maintenance of Municipal Vehicle CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/2021
Procurement of tagboard to be used at the Mayor’s Office

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 30/12/2021 Procurement of Drilling Rig Set  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 30/12/2021 Improvement of Athletic Oval (Construction of Drainage System) at Central East, Bauang, La Union  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/202 1
Procurement of travel package inclusive of meals and snacks & accommodation

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/202 1 Capability Building Cum Department Planning of HRMO of the Municipality of Bauang CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/202 1 Capability Building Cum Department Planning of MAO of the Municipality of Bauang CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/202 1 Capability Development of Legislative Personnel : Technical Writing cum Team Building of Sangguniang BAyan of the Municipality of Bauang CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/202 1 Capability Development Training cum Team Building for the MSWDO Staff CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 20/12/2021 Construction of Memorial cubicles at Santiago, Bauang, La Union  OPEN


Invitation to Bid (ITB)
11/12/2021 20/12/2021 Rehabilitation of Urayong Road at Urayong, Bauang, La Union , CLOSED


Invitation to Bid (ITB)
11/12/2021 20/12/2021 Construction of Road at Sitio Pantar, Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union CLOSED
8292058 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 30/12/2021
Procurement of equipment for the improvement of Slaughterhouse

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 30/12/2021 Rehabilitation of Farm to Market Road and Slope Protection at Sitio Dupacpac, Acao, BLU  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 30/12/2021 Construction of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Lugnac, Bagbag, BAuang, La Union CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 30/12/2021 Construction of DRainage Canal System at Pagdalagan Sur, BLU CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 14/12/2021 Procurement of organic avtivator used in the Sanitary Landfill CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 11/12/2021 14/12/2021 Procurement of services for the desludging services for the various muncipal facilities CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/12/2021 17/12/2021
Procurement of supplies for the repair and maintenance of streetlights
8286565 Request for Quotation (RFQ 10/12/2021 14/12/2021 Procurement of hygiene kits during the IP’s Congress 2021 CLOSED
Invitation to Bid (ITB
08/12/2021 15/12/2021 Procurement of Goods for Supplemental Feeding and hygiene kits  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ 08/12/2021 13/12/2021 Venue rentals inclusive of meals and snacks for the training on Katarungang Pambarangay  CLOSED
Request for Quotation (RFQ) 08/12/2021 13/12/2021 Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of plaza, parks and monuments CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 08/12/2021 15/12/2021 Procurement of gift packs for the various activities of the Office of the MSWD CLOSED
8277500 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 08/12/2021 13/12/2021 Publication of Ordinance No’s: 104, 105, 106 and 107 charged under SB Office CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 07/12/202110/01/2022 Rehabilitation and Road Opening of Cabalayangan – Sta. Monica Farm to Market Road  CLOSED

Request for Expression of Interest 07/12/2021 17/12/2021 Procurement of consulting services for the ISO 9001:2015 certification CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 07/12/2021 24/12/2021
Construction of Open Court and Site Development at BNCS Central East, Bauang, La Union

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of various supplies and materials for the Christmas Tree and Bauang Cafeterium CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procucurement of materials and services for the repair and maintenance of aircon units of various offices of the municipality CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of various expenses during the yuletide season event of this municipality CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of expenses on materials use for Establishment of Hazard Signages  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of communication equipment for Bauang PNP Station CLOSED


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of sport equipments for the Bauang Tourism Highway Project ” Hike Bike, Walk Run program of this Municipality CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of materials and supplies for the fisher folks CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of meals and snacks during the yuletide season for the various events of the municipality CLOSED
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
07/12/202110/12/2021 Procurement of activity shirts of Linggo ng Kabataan 2021 CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 06/12/202124/12/2021 Procurement of one (1) unit motor vehicle for the use of the Office of the Municipal Mayor  OPEN

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 06/12/202124/12/2021 Procurement of one (1) unit motor vehicle for the use of the Office of the Municipal Engineer OPEN

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 06/12/202124/12/2021 Procurement of one (1) unit motor vehicle for the use of the Office of the Municipal Health Officer OPEN

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 06/12/202124/12/2021 Procurement of Two (2) units motor vehicle for the use of the Office of the Sangguniang Bayan  OPEN


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
06/12/202109/12/2021 Procurement of school supplies and materials for various schools of the municipality  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 06/12/202109/12/2021 Procurement of CPU for the use of ECDGJMNVHS CLOSED
8270243 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 06/12/202109/12/2021 Procurement of Agricultural and Marine supplies under Agriculture Office  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 03/12/202107/12/2021 Procucurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of PNP Vehicle  CLOSED
8238980 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 27/11/2021 16/12/2021 Procurement of goods for the Grand Family Day Celebration of Municipal Employees OPEN
8237214 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 26/11/2021 15/12/2021 Rehabilitation of Pottot-Carmay Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Pottot-Carmay, Bauang, La Union OPEN

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 4/11/2021 13/12/2021 Construction of Flood Control Structure at Lossoc Creek, Paringao, Bauang, La Union OPEN
8226272 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24/11/2021 13/12/2021 Improvement of Bauang Farmer’s Trading Center at Central West, Bauang, La Union OPEN

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of medicines of Municipal Health Office  Closed
8199900 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of office and ICT equipment, furniture and fixture for various offices of the municipality Closed
8199932 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of various equipment for the use of the Office of the Sangguniang Bayan Closed
8199975 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 7/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of materials and equipment for Municipal Livelihood Project OPEN
8209053 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 19/11/2021 23/11/2021 Procurement of materials and labor for the repair of the Municipal Vehicle with plate no. SHY 675 under Agriculture Office CLOSED
8210489 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 19/11/2021 26/11/2021 Procurement of medical supplies use for MDRRMO Rescue operation CLOSED


Request for Quotation (RFQ)
17/11/2021 22/11/2021 Procurement of medical supplies use for MDRRMO Rescue operation CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 17/11/2021 22/11/2021 Procurement of supplies & materials (frames) under SB Office CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 24/11/2021 Procurement of materials for the improvement of various school buildings CLOSED
8199862 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 24/11/2021 Procurement of materials for the improvement of municipal building facilities CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of medicines of Municipal Health Office Closed

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of office and ICT equipment, furniture and fixture for various offices of the municipality Closed

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of various equipment for the use of the Office of the Sangguniang Bayan CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/11/2021 06/12/2021 Procurement of materials and equipment for Municipal Livelihood Project CLOSED
8135369 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/10/2021 17/11/2021 Rehabilitation of Sitio Kasabaan, Santiago Farm to Market Road, Santiago, Bauang  CLOSED
8135400 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/10/2021 17/11/2021 Construction of Boy-Utan Farm to Market Road, Boy-Utan, Bauang  CLOSED
8135409 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/10/2021 08/11/2021 Procurement of materials for the improvement of Tourism Office  CLOSED
8106021 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 22/10/2021 10/11/2021 Construction of Farmer’s Monument (Phase II) at Central East, Bauang  CLOSED
8106122 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 22/10/2021 10/11/2021
Construction of Covered Court at Baccuit Sur Elementary School, Baccuit Sur, Bauang
8106222 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 22/10/2021 10/11/2021 Construction of Covered Court at San Agustin Elementary School, San Agustin, Bauang  CLOSED
8084270 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 15/10/2021 18/10/2021
Procurement of other maintenance and operating expenses (Acrylic Window Transaction) as per MIATF guidelines

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 15/10/2021 18/10/2021 Procurement of materials and services for the repair and maintenance of Municipal Vehicle (Mahindra Black and Ambulance) of MDRRMO CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 15/10/2021 18/10/2021
Procurement of materials for the installation of LED Lights

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 09/10/2021

Procurement of office supplies for various offices

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 07/10/2021

26/10/2021 Procurement of heavy equipment (backhoe with dozer) CLOSED
8036799 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/09/202119/10/2021 Construction of ECCD Building Phase III at Paringao, Bauang CLOSED
8036915 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/09/202119/10/2021 Construction of ECCD Building Phase III at Bawanta, Bauang CLOSED
8037015 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/09/202119/10/2021 Rehabilitation of Casilagan- Sta. Monica Farm to Market Road at Sitio Caudingan, Casilagan- Sta. Monica, Bauang CLOSED
8037090 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/09/202119/10/2021 Construction of Leachate Treatment Facility at Bauang Sanitary Landfill, Acao, Bauang CLOSED
8037135 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/09/202119/10/2021 Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of various schools of the municipality CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/09/202119/10/2021 Procurement of materials for the reproduction of modules of various schools of the Municipality  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24/08/2021 10/09/2021 Rehabilitation of Cabisilan-Bigbiga, Lower San Agustin Barangay Road, Cabisilan-Bigbiga, Lower San Agustin, Bauang  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24/08/2021 10/09/2021 Rehabilitation of Central East-Quinavite Municipal Road, Central East-Quinavite, Bauang CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24/08/2021 10/09/2021 Rehabilitation of Guerrero-Palugsi Limmansangan Barangay Road, Guerrero- Palugsi Limmangsangan Bauang CLOSED
7929362 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 18/08/2021 23/08/2021 04:00 PM Procurement of ICT Equipment for the use of Municipal Accounting Office CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 04/08/2021 09/08/2021 Procurement of materials (thermal scanner with alcohol dispenser, alcohol, and trash bins) for various facilities of the municipality  CLOSED
7889739 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 03/08/2021 06/08/2021 Procurement of one (1) unit Motorcycle use at the Business Permits Licensing Office CLOSED
7886706 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 02/08/2021 05/08/2021 Procurement of materials and supplies for the traffic signage CLOSED
7849241 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 16/07/2021 19/07/2021 Procurement of 15 units communication equipment for contact tracing in compliance with the minimum public health standards set by the government CLOSED
7811511 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/07/2021 21/07/2021 Procurement of meals and snacks for various programs, projects and activities of the municipality for 2nd semester CLOSED
7811556 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/07/2021 21/07/2021 Procurement of fertilizers  CLOSED
7790260 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24/06/202113/07/2021Procurement of two (2) units Motor Vehicle  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 21/06/2021 09/07/2021 Construction of PCCP and Drainage Canal at Brgy. Pudoc, Bauang  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 21/06/2021 09/07/2021 Construction of Drainage Canal at Brgy. Parian Oeste, Bauang CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 21/06/2021 09/07/2021 Construction of Drainage System Canal at Brgy. Nagrebcan-Parian Este, Bauang CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/06/2021 06/07/2021 Procurement of rabbit breeders and supplies for Rabbit Farming CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/06/2021 24/06/2021 Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of municipal buildings and other facilities CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/06/2021 24/06/2021 Procurement of supplies for various offices of the municipality CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/06/2021 21/06/2021 05:00 PM Construction of Box Culvert and Approach at Palintucang, Bauang  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/06/2021 21/06/2021 05:00 PM Rehabilitation of Cabisilan- Bawanta Farm to Market Road at Cabisilan- Bawanta, Bauang CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/06/2021 21/06/2021 05:00 PM Rehabilitation of Guerrero- Palugsi-Limmansangan Farm to Market Road at Guerrero-Palugsi-Limansangan, Bauang CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 02/06/2021 21/06/2021 05:00 PM Procurement of materials for the other land improvement CLOSED
7672656 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 06/05/2021 5/05/2021 04:00 PM Maintenance and siphoning of decentralized wastewater treatment system (DEWATS) facilities at the municipal slaughterhouse and public market  CLOSED
7625338 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 19/04/2021 22/04/2021 Procurement of welfare goods for Senior Citizens chargeable under Gender and Development Program CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 19/04/2021 22/04/2021 Procurement of services for transport, treatment, and disposal of COVID-19 related healthcare wastes , CLOSED
7602817 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 08/04/2021 27/04/2021 Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Bigbiga, Lower San Agustin- Dili Road, Bauang CLOSED
7602832 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 08/04/2021 7/04/2021 Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Boy-Utan to Palugsi- Limansangan, Bauang  CLOSED
7602850 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 8/04/2021 7/04/2021 Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Gomez, Lower San Agustin – Upper San Agustin Road, Bauang CLOSED
7602867 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 08/04/2021 27/04/2021 Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Lower San Agustin – Upper San Agustin Road, Bauang  CLOSED
7602875 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 8/04/2021 7/04/2021 Construction of Bridge and Approach at Sitio Guindayan, Lower San Agustin, Bauang CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 08/04/2021 7/04/2021 Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Brgy. Guerrero to Palugsi- Limansangan Road, Bauang CLOSED
7595918 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 07/04/2021 14/04/2021 Procurement of medical, dental, and laboratory supplies for the operation of the Rural Health Unit CLOSED
7595980 Invitation to Bid (ITB) /04/2021 4/04/2021 Procurement of drugs and medicines for the operation of the Rural Health Unit  CLOSED
7580697 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/03/2021 16/04/2021 Procurement of ten (10) units tractor CLOSED


Invitation to Bid (ITB)
9/03/2021 05/04/2021 Procurement of materials for the hardbound brochure (citizen’s charter) CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 27/03/2021 30/03/2021 Procurement of meals and snacks for gender-equity (GAD) CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 7/03/2021 30/03/2021 Procurement of customized t-shirts for gender-equality (GAD) CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 25/03/2021 29/03/2021 Procurement of materials for the improvement of municipal building  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 25/03/2021 29/03/2021 Procurement of Sports Development materials (35 sets of tennis racket)  CLOSED
7571780 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 25/03/2021 29/03/2021 Procurement of materials for the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles  CLOSED
7561138 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 22/03/2021 25/03/2021 Procurement of IT Equipment for the Cultural Mapping project  CLOSED
7540197 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 12/03/2021 19/03/2021 Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conference, trainings and events of the municipality CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/03/2021 05/04/2021 Procurement of meals and snacks for various meetings, conference, trainings and events of the municipality OPEN

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 17/03/2021 05/04/2021 Construction of Athletic Oval  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 18/03/2021 22/03/2021 Procurement of Sports Development related materials and equipment CLOSED
7509168 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 03/03/2021 10/03/2021  Procurement of welfare/ relief goods for prepositioning for unexpected emergence of disasters and COVID-19 threat CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 03/03/2021 22/03/2021 04:00 PM Procurement of office supplies for various offices of the municipality CLOSED
7509181 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 03/03/2021 08/03/2021 04:00 PM
Procurement of one (1) unit laptop computer

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/03/2021 09/03/2021 04:00 PM

Procurement of twenty (20) units modular tent with mesh top
7492062 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/02/2021 26/02/2021 04:00 PM Procurement of one (1) unit xerox machine CLOSED
7479000 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 3/03/2021 10/03/2021 01:00 AM Procurement of various supplies and materials for the conduct of Team Building thru Monthly Famealy Day to strengthen inter-department relationships in the Municipality  CLOSED
7465120 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 11/02/2021 18/02/2021 04:00 PM Procurement of welfare/ relief goods for prepositioning for unexpected emergence of disasters and COVID-19 threat CLOSED
7449737 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 04/02/2021 11/02/2021 04:00 PM Procurement of supplies and materials for mushroom production, mushroom housing, vermin composting and housing for the benefit of the NAPC beneficiaries  CLOSED
7437479 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 29/01/2021 17/02/2021 04:00 PM

Construction of Flood Control Structure of FMR located at Baccuit Norte, Bauang, La Union CLOSED
7416123 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 21/01/2021 28/01/2021
Procurement of supplies and materials for mushroom production, mushroom housing, vermin composting and housing for the benefit of the NAPC benefeciaries
7400216 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 09/01/2021 12/01/2021 04:00 PM Procurement of one (1) unit feed mixer for feed formulation CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of fertilizer for material assistance of various barangay CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of Hygiene Kit and supplies for material assistance of various barangay  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of Monobloc Table and Chair re: material assistance for Senior Citizen Organization and SK Councils of the Municipality CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM
Procurement of construction supplies and materials for material assistance of various barangay

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of Office supplies and liquid soap for material assistance of various schools and BHERT  CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of ICT Equipment and furniture and fixture for the Office of the Municipal Administrator ,  CLOSED
7382241 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM
Procurement of Basketball Equipment for Sports Development of 39 barangays

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 23/12/2020 28/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of Agricultural supplies under the office of the Municipal Agriculturist  CLOSED
7350431 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 14/12/2020 21/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of various supplies, equipment and furniture for the Office of the Mayor and Peace and Order program of the municipality CLOSED
7351605 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 14/12/2020 21/12/2020 04:00 PM Improvement of Public Market CLOSED
7356194 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 14/12/2020 17/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of supplies and materials for the conduct of Pamaskong Handog Para sa Pamilya CLOSED
7339084 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of services for the Geotechnical Survey CLOSED
7350672 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of three (3) units computer set for the office of the Municipal Treasurer  CLOSED
7351285 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of materials for the improvement of municipal auditorium CLOSED

Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of vegetables seeds and grafted seedlings for the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist CLOSED
7351438 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Material assistance (A4 coupon bond) for various schools of the municipality CLOSED
7351499 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of services for the publication of Ordinance Nos. 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, and 57 CLOSED
7351557 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of one (1) unit 3 tonner aircon with installation and wiring under thr Office of MDRRM Officer CLOSED
7351557 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 12/12/2020 15/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of materials for the Improvement of Budget and COA Office  CLOSED
7338482 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 09/12/2020 16/12/2020 04:00 PM Improvement of barangay road at Central West, Bauang CLOSED
7322198 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 05/12/2020 08/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of various materials/supplies (meals, snacks and uniforms) for the Opening Salvo of Baggak Festival 2021  CLOSED
7325005 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 05/12/2020 08/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of materials for the lighting maintenance of the municipality CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 04/12/2020 11/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of various medical, dental, laboratory supplies for the operation of the Rural Health Unit CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 03/12/2020 10/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of supplies for the infant young child feeding with hygiene kit CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 03/12/2020 10/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of one (1) unit feed mixer for feed formulation CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/12/2020 21/12/2020 04:00 PM Reproduction of Instructional Materials/ Workbooks CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/12/2020 09/12/2020 04:00 PM Procurement of Medical and Laboratory Supplies for the use of elementary and secondary schools  CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 2/12/2020 21/12/2020 04:00 PM Improvement of School Building at Bauang North District Office , CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 2/12/2020 21/12/2020 04:00 PM Creative/ Production Management Services CLOSED

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 02/12/2020 3/12/2020 04:00 PM Development, delivery and installation of an integrated LGU system , CLOSED
7260692 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 10/16/202010/23/2020Procurement of Public Shredder Closed
7260710 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 1016/202010/23/2020Procurement of Generator Set Closed
7259759 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 10/16/202011/04/2020Improvement of Sta Monica Road in Barangay Sta. Monica Closed
7259820 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 10/16/202011/03/2020Improvement of Cabisilan-Bawanta Road in Barangay Cabisilan Closed
7251582 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 10/14/202010/19/2020 Procurement of Welfare Assistance for marginalized Senior Citizen in Celebration of the Elderly Month Closed
7224980 Invitation to Bid (ITB) 10/06/202010/23/2020Construction of Various projects Closed
7235266 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 10/08/202010/12/2020Procurement of four (4) pieces of tires with interior for the wheel loader used at the SanitaryClosed
7241711 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 10/10/202010/13/2020Procurement of one (1) unit motor vehicle for the Municipal Agriculture OFficeClosed
7241668 Request for Quotation (RFQ) 10/10/202010/13/2020Procurement of Cellular Card and various supplies for the Sangguniang BayanClosed


Reference NumberProject NameAwardeeAttachment
6349737 Construction of Early Child Care Development Center at Bawanta, Bauang, La Union J.A. OLIVAR ENG’G DESIGN,
7437479 Construction of Flood Control Structure of FMR located at Baccuit Norte,Bauang, La Union VILLAR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & SUPPLIES download
7509178Procurement of office supplies for various offices of the municipalityThunder General Merchandizedownload
7602817Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Bigbiga,Lower San Agustin- Dili Road, BauangJ.D. Madrid ConstructionDownload
7166963Construction Project, Rehabilitation and Improvement of Barangay Road808 Construction and Supplydownload
6934597Construction project of FMR at CasilaganE.E. Madayag Construction download
7178991Construction of Multi-Purpose Hall – AcaoSapitola Construction download
7179124Establishment of Command Center for Safety and Disaster Preparedness Phase VIPC Craft Computer TechnologiesDownload1
7073366Construction of Gymnasium Phase VI 808 Construction Supply Download1
7166963Construction Project and Rehabilitation and Improvement of Barangay Road 808 Construction Supply Download
7166908Construction Materials, Rehabilitation and Improvement of Barangay Roads Along Boy-utan, Payocpoc Norte Este 808 Construction Supply Download
7178916Improvement of Sanitary Landfill 808 Construction Supply Download
7179166Procurement of Streetlights and Electrical SystemJigz Commercial Download
20221GProcurement of 1 Unit AmbulanceAbsolute Advantage Inc.Download
20022GProcurement of 1 Unit Mobile ClinicAbsolute Advantage Inc. Download
20023GProcurement of 1 Unit Dump TruckAbsolute Advantage Inc. Download
20024GProcurement of 1 Unit Water TruckAbsolute Advantage Inc. Download
20025GProcurement of 1 Unit Multi Purpose VehicleToyota La Union Download
20028IConstruction of Access Road, Mango Packing House at Palugsi-LimansanganJ.A. Olivar Engineering Design, Construction and Supplies Download
20030GProcurement of Farm ImplementsLevatech Trading Download
20031IImprovement of Farm to Market Road at Dili – Palintucang Bauang, La UnionE.E. Madayag Construction Download
20032IImprovement of Farm to Market Bigbiga – Cabisilan Bauang, La UnionE.E. Madayag Construction Download
20019IImprovement of Farm to Market Carmay Bauang, La UnionE.E. Madayag Construction Download
200181Improvement of Farm to Market at Santiago Bauang, La Union E.E. Madayag Construction Download
20017IImprovement of Farm to Market at Casilagan Bauang, La Union E.E. Madayag Construction Download
20014IImprovement of Farm to Market at Sitio Lugnak, Bagbag Bauang, La Union E.E. Madayag Construction Download
20015IImprovement of Farm to Market Payocpoc Norte Este, Bauang, La Union J.A. Olivar Engineering Design, Construction and Supplies Download
20016IImprovement of Farm to Market at Barangay Payopoc Norte Oeste Bauang, La Union Sapitola Construction Download
20013IImprovement of Farm to Market Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union E.E. Madayag Construction Download
20033GProcurement of Office Supplies for various offices of the Municipality Mariwealth Trading Download
20029IRehabilitation of Barangay Road at Acao, Bauang, La Union J.A. Olivar Engineering Design, Construction and Supplies Download
20020IConstruction of Bridge Approach at Cabalayangan, Bauang, La Union J.A. Olivar Engineering Design, Construction and Supplies Download

Project Name
Download Attachment
Construction Project – Core Local Access Road at Central West
Notice of Award
Construction Project – Potable Water System Level II at Pilar
Notice of Award
Construction Project – Potable Water System Level II at Upper San Agustin
Notice of Award
Construction Project – Core Local Access Road at Central East
Notice of Award
Construction Project, Potable Water System
Notice of Award
Construction Projects, Expansion of Evacuation Center
Notice to Award
Construction projects, Improvement of Bauang South Cemetery
Notice to Award
Improvement of Rural Health Unit
Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed
Improvement of Road Network (leading to landfill) at Sitio dupacpac
Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed
Improvement of Public Market at Central East
Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed
Consultancy Services for the detailed engineering design of DEWATS at Central East
Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed,
Procurement of Materials for the Construction of Decentralized  Waste Water  Treatment Facilities
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents (1) Other Documents (2) 
Procurement of Materials and supplies for the Improvement of BIR Office
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed,
Procurement of Various Equipment for the Operation of MHO
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed,
Procurement of Medical Equipment
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed,
Procurement of various equipment for the Operation of Municipal Health Office
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents
Construction of  One-Classroom School Building, DEGMNHS
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents
Procurement of office supplies to various Offices of the Municipality
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents
Procurement of hotel accommodation  for the conduct of CDP – ELA
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents
Procurement of Materials for the Construction og Hygiene Clinic Phase II
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents
Construction of Early Child Care Development Center in Bawanta, Bauang, La Union
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed, Other Documents
Construction of Early Child Care Development Center  at Paringao, Bauang, La Union
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed,
Construction of Gymnasium Phase V at Bauang North Central School, Central East, Bauang, La Union
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed,
Improvement of Farm to Market Road at Boy-utan, Bauang, La Union
Notice to Award, Notice to Proceed,