“Masapol nga naragsak ti puso tayo,” Hon. Tanya Roberta A. De Guzman, Sangguniang Bayan Member (SBM), said in her message for the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) at the International Day of PWD and Christmas Party Celebration at the Bauang North Central School (BNCS) Sports Complex on December 18, 2024.

Also present in the event were Administrator for Operations Mr. Wilson Samuel C. Caluza, Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) Head Ms. Marlita G. Biason, PWD President Mr. Sammy Gomez, and employees of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Bauang.

Over 400 PWDs registered and participated in the event. They cheered for the intermission number, parlor games, and finally, the most-awaited raffle draw.

This event proves that LGU Bauang cherishes all of its constituents, especially the members of the vulnerable. Being a PWD is not a hindrance to enjoying and working hard in life, rather it is a way of going through life with energy and perseverance.

Written and photographed by: Korina Esteban-Ma